gemstone - Uma visão geral

gemstone - Uma visão geral

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Moss Agate is type of Chalcedony that is usually creamy colored with greenish inclusions that look like moss, plants or grass.

Pink Calcite helps to activate and enhance the heart’s way of knowing–the wordless awareness that we mean when we say, “I knew it in my heart”. It improves empathy and helps release suppressed emotions.

This black gemstone has a calming effect on the mind, protecting us from nightmares, eliminating unwanted fantasies and wavering thoughts, and making it a source of strength and serenity.

Rose quartz displaying asterism or the star effect is rare. The unique soft pink color of rose quartz is thought to be caused by tiny traces of titanium.

Amethyst Geode Slice combines an outer shell of pure rock with the interior of Amethyst crystal with its characteristic color from lilacs with pink undertones all the way up to raspberries with hints of red and blue.

Uvarovite is a very rare member of the large and varied garnet family. It is a type of striking emerald-green garnet that occurs as very small crystals and also as a coating of very tiny crystals on onyx western the surface of a matrix (host rock), known as drusy or druzy.

These selected gemstones representing each month are called the “birthstone”. Predecessors generally believed that birthstones have magical powers to protect them from evil and can bring good luck to people.

Ruby zoisite is a healing and energizing stone, helping you recover your natural vitality and sense of joy at being alive.

Onyx focuses and directs your energy toward your goals, helping you stay the course. It can help you rebuild your vitality after a prolonged illness or period of depletion, and is useful for work that requires disciplined focus and perseverance.

A lot of the best lapis lazuli is held in locations like Afghanistan. Modern geopolitics and a long history of mining make the good stuff a bit more scarce than in the past.

The term selenite is used to refer to varieties of the mineral gypsum that show obvious crystalline structure. It is very soft at 2 on Moh’s hardness scale so rarely cut into gemstones.

Ekanite is a very rare gemstone primarily found in Sri Lanka. Ekanite is one of very few gems that are naturally radioactive so jewelry use isn't recommended.

It also helps us to see our strengths and weaknesses, to appreciate the value of each existence, and to eliminate jealousy and the desire for unnecessary comparison so that one can return to simple happiness.

Diamonds are widely known as the hardest material ever discovered by humans, and subsequently, the diamond symbolizes the unbreakable durability of a bond.

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